Sunday 19 May 2013

Spin art on ceramic bathroom tiles

I have already experimented with spin art on clay and paper so using what i had learned from doing those, I decided i would try this again but this time i could try using ordinary bathroom tiles. This was a good idea and they were suitable to work on because bathroom tiles have a nice smooth surface already.

I was to use e-ware glazes on these rather than slips because they are really thin and would fly across the surface of my tiles. I had a big box of tiles and they were really cheap so they were perfect to work on. 

I decided to work on just two tiles to begin with to see what happens. I chose a selection of coloured glazes such as bronze, black magic, turquoise and light blue. I would start off with putting on the darkest colour first and then the lightest colours over the top, I found that was the best way to get the best results.
Using the same method as before i squirted the glazes onto the tile.

This is what they looked like before going into the kiln. Andy the technician has told me that he's not sure how well they will fire in the kiln so we will just have to hope for the best.
I have done another set just in case the others don't survive.
These are my final set and this time i have changed the colours i have used and I think that they have been the most successful.

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